Working Across Professional Boundaries Training Course

Health & Social Care Training Courses

To consider ways in which working across professional boundaries can be improved for the benefit of both service users and workers. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, group members examine ways in which human services develop agency cultures which can either impede or assist working across professional boundaries.

This will be achieved by:

  • Analysing what constitutes an agency culture;
  • Exploration of the aspects of agency culture which impede and which assist working across boundaries;
  • Consideration of the tensions, including those that exist between the relationship of friend-colleague;
  • Systemic practice and the identification of formal and informal networks;
  • Teams and leaders;
  • The barriers and pressures on cooperation - traditionalism;
  • Legislation and the drive for collaboration;

By the end of the session, participants will have started to explore their relationship to other organisations, their own agency and their colleagues and their feelings with regard to working with other professionals and teams.