Working Positively with Communities Training Course

Health & Social Care Training Courses

In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, using a variety of teaching methods to suit different learning styles, this programme aims to explore ways of working with communities to maximise social capital and grow circles of support.

This will be achieved by:

  • Examining from a sociological perspective, what is understood by a community; analysing whether the community cares and whether it can, actually care in the way its members value and understand
  • Considering the policy developments and initiatives from Government to promote the transformation of communities and place shaping. This will examine recommendations from 'Putting People First' and 'Our Health, Our Care Our Say'.
  • Considering evidence from the Local Government Association for successful remodelling and place shaping in local areas and how this builds social capital.
  • The cost-benefit analysis of place shaping and its role as an alternative to traditional social care provision
  • Universal Support: the role of adult services and the local authority in signposting people to community services
  • Working in partnership with other agencies in communities such as leisure, health and education.

By the end of the session, delegates will have had the opportunity to explore how transforming local communities can contribute to the universal services available to all and that can have a preventative role in keeping people actively engaged in community life and less reliant on early intervention from social care.